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We couldn't find an easy-to-use platform for our nail business. So we built one.

When Michelle Foss opened Archer Nail Bar in early 2020, she couldn’t find an easy-to-use software that would grow her business and put her hand-in-hand with her customers. So she built one.  

Pointment is a simple, customizable platform that gives salon owners, team members, and customers the experience they deserve. 

Because Pointment was designed to address the unique operational needs of nail salons, it provides tangible benefits and helps to build more profitable businesses.

More Time

The system optimizes service scheduling and increases operational efficiency by handling client requests, group appointment logistics, and payroll reports - saving owners up to 25 admin hours a month

More Income

Pointment’s features drive customer acquisition, retention, and satisfaction - yielding new client introductions, higher ticket values, and increased frequency of visits

Happier Teams & Customers

Customers gain clarity around each salon’s service offerings, time frames, and pricing, and are able to book or modify their appointments 24/7. Nail techs have more awareness around their performance and schedule with customized dashboards and calendar access

Pointment is the only platform built for nail salons, by a nail salon owner.

Quick setup. Easy to use. Everything you need to grow your nail salon.